
Deliverance Church
International Nyansiongo

The Mountain of Truth

Our Programs

Sunday Services

1st Service: 8:30am - 9:30am

2nd Service: 9:30am - 10:30am

3rd Service: 10:30am - 1:00pm

Saturday Healing & Deliverance Service

10:30am - 12:30pm

Friday Prayers

4:00pm - 5:30pm

Wednesday Counselling & Prayer Session

10:00am - 5:00pm

Radio Vuna 102.0 FM Program

Every Saturday: 7:30pm - 8:00pm



The Year of Threshing the Mountains ~ Isaiah 41:15-16

Past/Upcoming Events

Radio Vuna Sermons

What is Good Friday? (Part 1)

What is Good Friday? (Part 2)

Listening to Other Voices

In The Times of Ignorance

The History of Deliverance Church Nyansiongo

The Lame Man Receives Healing

Taking Stock of the year 2023

A Short New Year 2024 Message

A Short Christmas Message

Celebrating Christmas

Christians are letters to be read

Cross over the Jordan River and Destroy

False Religions & Teachings Part 1

False Religions & Teachings Part 2

False Religions & Teachings Part 3

False Religions & Teachings Part 4

False Religions & Teachings Part 5

Freedom from Slavery.

God's Grace is Abundant for All

Learn to Give Thanks

The Power of the Spoken Word

The Rich Fool

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The Ways of God

We Are God's Holy Temple

When we limit God

When will the kingdom of God come

Whom Shall You Serve



Senior Pastor's Desk

We recognize, appreciate and value your presence both on our website and church. Feel most welcome. It's our hope that you have been blessed by the content you've encountered on this page. It's our pleasure to welcome you once again to this site to remain updated with our calendar of events. You're also welcome to join us in one of our services outlined above. Be blessed.

Pst. Mr. & Mrs. Barnabas and Margaret Mititi

Articles from the senior pastor

Evangelism photo



- Ezekiel 3:17-18 "Son of man, I have made you a watchman over the house of Israel; ... give them warning from Me: When I say to the wicked, 'You shall surely die', & you don't warn them, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life, that same wicked man shall die in his inquity; but HIS BLOOD I WILL REQUIRE AT YOUR HAND."
- Some years ago an evangelist friend was going to see a patient at Kenyatta National Hospital. After dropping off at the hospital bus stop and heading to the hospital gate he heard a voice telling him to go back to the busy & crowded bus stop and witness to a young lady seated at the waiting shades. He didn't find it an ideal place to witness. After resisting for a while he finally approached the lady. Though he pleaded with her for some time, she brushed him with statements like: "look at me properly, do I look like the type who needs to be born again? I'm still young & need to enjoy life now. Please look for old people to convert..." The man walked off in shame as the crowd giggled at him. However, less than ten minutes later he heard screams from the bus stop. It was the girl. As she was rushing in her high heels to board a bus that was leaving she had slipped and fallen. Her head was crushed by the bus and she died instantly! Now the urgency of the message he had delivered to the lady dawned on the evangelist brother! God had known that the young lady's time was up. Ezek.33:11 says that God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but that they may turn away from their ways. Had the brother refused to witness, the blood of this young lady would have been required at his hands!
- Therefore, by witnessing to sinners you will not only pull them out of their wicked ways but also avoid 'murder charges' being brought upon you by our master.
- Therefore, make Jesus known within your jurisdiction: e.g. your relatives, neighbors, colleagues, workmates, etc. In so doing we will not bear their blood when our master returns. Sasa nikujituma wapendwa. Barikiweni.
Pst Mititi Gari
Email: mititigari@gmail.com
Deliverance Church Int'l Nyansiongo
Nyamira County Kenya

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