
Deliverance Church
International Nyansiongo

The Mountain of Truth

Articles from the senior pastor

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- Luke 19:15 "& so it was that when he returned, ...he then commanded these servants, to whom he had given money, be called so he might know HOW MUCH EVERY MAN HAD GAINED BY TRADING." - Its soul winning that fulfills the principle of gaining by trading. Having received this wonderful gift of salvation from our Lord, He expects us to trade with it; to tell others about the goodness of the Lord. This is the calling of EVERY BELIEVER. So that as we trade with what we have we will not only bring more souls into the kingdom, but also gain even more anointing. - In 2Kings 7, Syria had besieged Samaria so that severe famine had affected the whole city. At the gate of Samaria were four lepers dying of hunger. They decided to risk and seek food from the enemy's camp. As the weak & hungry lepers headed to the Syrian army intending to surrender, God caused their steps to sound like a mighty army causing the Syrians to flee in haste leaving behind their supplies & valuables. After the lepers had helped themselves & quenched their hunger, then it dawned on them that that they needed to do better than this. In 2kings 7:9 They say, "we are not doing what's right by keeping this good news to ourselves while others are starving in the city... LET'S GO & TELL THEM TOO." - As we enjoy the benefits of salvation, how do we dare keep it to ourselves? As the Bible clearly states, when our Lord returns having received the kingdom, He will call each one of us to give an account of how much we have GAINED BY TRADING with the gift of salvation that we received from Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ will require of us to pay dividends to Him for our salvation! - How much dividends/souls have you won for Him?



•⁠ ⁠Luke 19:10 "The son of man is come to SEEK & SAVE that which is LOST." -In the days of Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of Kenya, he had a pet project that was dear to him: The Gatundu Self Help Hospital in his home village. Now and again he held fundraisings in support of this pet project. Soon, country men realized the passion their president had for this project. So to easily reach him one only needed to take a donation to Gatundu for that project! Therefore, hardly a week went by without hearing over the national radio station (Voice of Kenya) that a group of people from this or that part of the country had trooped to Gatundu to give their contributions in support of Gatundu Self Help Hospital. Soon the whole country identified & stood with their leaders PASSION. -In Luke 2:49, Jesus responds to His family's request to see Him thus: Why are you looking for Me? Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's business? This shows that Jesus was totally consumed by the kingdom business! He was always pleased to be about His Father's business: SOUL WINNING. -Soul winning WAS & STILL IS the heart beat of our Lord Jesus Christ. That's why he would say that His mother & brothers are those who are to be found in His Father's business: SOUL WINNING. -Therefore, to be CHRISTLIKE one should do/practice what He did & what pleases Him: soul winning. Soul winning is the PASSION OF CHRIST. As His disciples it therefore follows(& without excuse) that what is His passion should also automatically be OUR PASSION: winning souls. -Every disciple of Christ should likewise have a burden to "SEEK & SAVE that which is LOST" as the master did.

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Romans10:14 " How will men call upon Him whom they have not believed? How will they believe in whom they have not heard of? How will they hear without a PREACHER?" If I may use the analogy of electricity supply in Kenya, there are different entities involved in this sector: that is KenGen(in generating), Ketraco(transmission) & Kenya Power & Lighting (distribution & marketing). But even after all this has been done, there's the last bit: a cable must be dropped from the grid into households before the power reaches the CONSUMER. -- Likewise, the gospel of Christ has various players e.g. planning, prayer & fasting, financing, etc. But after all is said and done, SOMEONE must eventually proclaim the gospel to the lost. That's the PREACHER. We can call him the last mile connectivity! -Its by answering the call like Isaiah to be sent that the gospel will be preached, evangelized, witnessed so that they will hear, receive & believe. -How can we talk of the second coming of Christ when a half of the world has never heard of His first coming? A minister friend had ventured into some far flung district for a week long evangelism crusade. He says when they told the locals that: Jesus loves you. The question the locals asked is: Where is He? Is He amongst you? Or you left Him back in Nairobi?! This happened a couple of years ago! They had never heard of Jesus Christ before. -Jas 5:20 says: he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death & will cover a multitude of sins. -We, the Christians of this generation are the ones responsible in reaching the lost souls of this same generation on earth. -Its the preacher who will give the last blow by preaching/ evangelizing/ witnessing. The lost souls of this generation are waiting to hear from you PREACHER MAN!



Romans10:14 " How will men call upon Him whom they have not believed? How will they believe in whom they have not heard of? How will they hear without a PREACHER?" If I may use the analogy of electricity supply in Kenya, there are different entities involved in this sector: that is KenGen(in generating), Ketraco(transmission) & Kenya Power & Lighting (distribution & marketing). But even after all this has been done, there's the last bit: a cable must be dropped from the grid into households before the power reaches the CONSUMER. -- Likewise, the gospel of Christ has various players e.g. planning, prayer & fasting, financing, etc. But after all is said and done, SOMEONE must eventually proclaim the gospel to the lost. That's the PREACHER. We can call him the last mile connectivity! -Its by answering the call like Isaiah to be sent that the gospel will be preached, evangelized, witnessed so that they will hear, receive & believe. -How can we talk of the second coming of Christ when a half of the world has never heard of His first coming? A minister friend had ventured into some far flung district for a week long evangelism crusade. He says when they told the locals that: Jesus loves you. The question the locals asked is: Where is He? Is He amongst you? Or you left Him back in Nairobi?! This happened a couple of years ago! They had never heard of Jesus Christ before. -Jas 5:20 says: he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death & will cover a multitude of sins. -We, the Christians of this generation are the ones responsible in reaching the lost souls of this same generation on earth. -Its the preacher who will give the last blow by preaching/ evangelizing/ witnessing. The lost souls of this generation are waiting to hear from you PREACHER MAN!

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Evangelism photo



-In Mark 16:15 Jesus said: "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to EVERY CREATURE." -In His meeting with His disciples before ascending to heaven, Jesus commanded them( & by extension every believer) to preach this Gospel to EVERY CREATURE. These creatures are to be found within & without the churches. -This is a command, an ordinance, an order from our commander in chief, Jesus Christ. This last command is what came to be known as The Great Commission. The Great Commission is not an option to be considered. ITS A COMMAND TO BE OBEYED. -In John14:15 Jesus says, " if you love Me, you will keep My commandments/orders." If in executing a commission by an earthly king is a great honour, how much more should it be to excute one given by The King of kings & The Lord of lords? -In the biblical times, after Jesus Christ's departure, His disciples dragged their feet while having good time enjoying themselves with multiple fellowships & prayer meetings among THEMSELVES in Jerusalem. What followed? In Acts 8:1 "a great persecution arose against the church which was in Jerusalem." Then in Acts 8:4 "... those who were scattered (as a result of persecution) went EVERYWHERE preaching The Word." God allowed persecution to disperse them abroad, out of their comfort zone, so that they may carry the Gospel to the nations. -Those who don't believe in missions, witnessing, evangelism have not read or understood The New Testament. Its when the early church was dispersed out of the confines of the walls of the Jerusalem temple that the gospel 'caught fire' so to speak. They preached everywhere and to everyone they could get hold of. -During those days the mode of communication was by foot & by word of mouth. Yet they turned the world upside down for Christ! How much more should we do today with better means of transportation & communication gadgets?


-In my last twenty years plus in ministry I have encountered varied opinions for & against reaching out to people through open air meetings, crusades, radio & Tv ministry, horn speaker ministry, house to house evangelism, etc. In our local church some people have gone as far as petitioning the authorities to force us to pull down horn speakers mounted on the church roof & confine our preachings to within the four walls of the church building. Reasons: that's where our congregation is and not outside! They claim we are making noise to them. It's on this premise that I am starting a series of teachings on WHY WE MUST WITNESS/EVANGELIZE. Welcome.

-Isaiah 6:8 "I heard God's voice say, Whom shall I send, & who'll go for us?" Then I said, "Here I am,send me." -The prophet of God Isaiah had a rear opportunity to witness a meeting in heaven attended by the heavenly hosts. When God posed the question, nobody in the meeting responded. This is because the responsibility of propagating the Gospel on earth is expressly assigned to HUMAN BEINGS. -Our God is spirit and therefore needed a human body to operate in. That's why Jesus Christ took on a human body to be able to witness/evangelize on earth. Though there were synagogues in which He could have confined His ministry, He went out of His way to reach the LOST/SINNERS outside the synagogue. In the marketplace, streets, seashores, etc. -So Isaiah availed himself so God could use his feet, hands, mouth, eyes, etc to reach man. -This call made to Isaiah thousands of years ago still stands today! -God is still posing the same question today. "Whom shall I send, & who'll go for us?" As it was then, even today God still needs HUMAN BEINGS for His work on earth. Are you ready? Are you willing to witness/evangelize? Like Isaiah, God is waiting for us to say, "HERE I AM, SEND ME."

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